What to do
in Bibracte?

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4 activities
Free visit
From 30 am to 07 pm


At the foot of the archaeological site, the museum presents the history of Bibracte, the Gallic capital, and its rediscovery by archaeologists.

Built in 1995 by the architect Pierre-Louis Faloci, the museum paints a portrait of Bibracte, an ephemeral city, in the light of the latest archaeological discoveries.

The upper gallery, which forms the first part of the permanent exhibition, presents the two hundred or so oppida (fortified towns) that suddenly took over the Celtic world towards the end of the 2nd century BC. At the end of the Iron Age, this original urban phenomenon suddenly transformed a vast area of Europe into a territory structured by a network of towns, of which Bibracte is one of the most studied examples.

On the ground floor, the exhibition examines the various aspects of Bibracte's archaeological record - its ramparts, quarters, craftsmen's workshops, houses and public spaces, etc. - to show that the evolution of the oppidum bears witness to a radical change at a key moment in history: between the founding of Bibracte and its abandonment a century later, Gaul became Roman.

Practical infos
From 06 July to 31 August 2024 : every day, from 9.30am to 7pm
From 01 September to 11 November 2024 : every day from 10am to 6pm
Full admission price : 10 €
Reduced admission price : 7 €
Less than 12 yrs : free
Length of activity : 1h30
Rendezvous spot : museum
The museum ticket includes access to the temporary exhibition. 
: For your dinner, consider the restaurant Le Chaudron, which is open until 9pm on Wednesdays.
From 12 pm to 06 pm


Kids friendly

Discover Gallic cuisine (almost) as if you were there! At the Chaudron, a new menu is created each year based on archaeologists' discoveries. An experience to share with family and friends.

At the Chaudron, no wild boar, but a menu concocted from ingredients known to the Gauls, served in dishes identical to those of the inhabitants of Bibracte. Come to this unusual place for lunch. In summer, take advantage of the terrace for a gourmet break in the shade, enjoy a beer brewed exclusively for Bibracte or delicious home-made fruit juices. Out for the day? Order a picnic basket made with local products and take it with you wherever you go!

Practical infos
From 06 July to 31 August 2024 : every day from 12pm to 6pm
From 01 to 15 September 2024 : every day from 12pm to 5pm
From 16 September to 18 October 2024 : every Sunday, 12pm to 5pm
From 19 October to 03 November 2024 : every day from 12pm to 5pm
From 10 to 11 November 2024 : every day from 12pm to 5pm
Full admission price : 20 €
Less than 12 yrs : 14 €
Length of activity : 1h
Rendezvous spot : Restaurant "Le Chaudron"
Le Chaudron also offers a range of snacks and take-away picnics. Pets are not allowed in the restaurant.
Reservation required on 03 85 86 52 40
Guided visit
From 30 pm to 30 pm


Volg een van de gidsen van Bibracte en ontdek alle geheimen van de Gallische hoofdstad die onder het bos verdween.

Je kunt de site op eigen houtje bezoeken. Maar hier is een goede tip: profiteer van de kennis van onze gidsen om meer te weten te komen over de voortgang van het onderzoek naar de stad Bibracte, die begraven ligt onder bijna 2 km bos.

Onder een honderd jaar oud beukenbos neemt een gids je mee op een 2 uur durende rondleiding door de hoogtijdagen van Bibracte, de openbare gebouwen, ambachtsgebouwen en woningen. Hij geeft uitleg over het werk van de archeologen, die je waarschijnlijk in de zomer op de site tegenkomt, en laat je hun laatste ontdekkingen zien.

Practical infos
From 06 July to 31 August 2024 : elke dag om 13.30 uur
Full admission price : 12 €
Reduced admission price : 10 €
Less than 12 yrs : gratis voor kinderen onder 12 jaar
Length of activity : 2h
Rendezvous spot : museum
Het kaartje "rondleiding over de site" geeft gratis toegang tot het museum en de tijdelijke tentoonstellingen.
: Het kaartje "rondleiding over de site" geeft gratis toegang tot het museum en de tijdelijke tentoonstellingen.
Reserveren verplicht op 03 85 86 52 40
From 10 am


Kids friendly

Walk through the Beuvray forest in the company of birds of prey trained by two certified falconers.

Maud and Julien are two licensed falconers who live alongside falcons, owls, buzzards and great horned owls. They raise them, love them and know everything about their way of life.
Accompanied by their birds of prey, walk through the Beuvray forest for an unusual walk: the birds follow you and brush past you, in complete freedom! Take advantage of these moments of exchange to learn more about the way of life of birds of prey.

Practical infos
From 01 July to 31 October 2024 : every day from 10am to 12pm
Full admission price : 21 € (free up to 7 years old)
Length of activity : 2h
Dogs are not allowed on the tour.
: For this 2.5km route, bring good shoes. Activity in French.
Reservation with the falconers on 06 85 34 12 89.