The SIAMOIS project

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This shared and open archaeological information system, based on semantic intelligence, is designed to provide the archaeological community with tools for recording, managing and sharing data.

With SIAMOIS, Bibracte is establishing itself as a leading player at national level in the field of digital technologies applied to archaeology and heritage.

SIAMOIS is designed to provide the archaeological community with tools for recording, managing and sharing data, making optimum use of the possibilities offered by today's digital technology for aggregating and exchanging information, a crucial issue for a discipline that handles very large-scale databases. In particular, SIAMOIS will be a step towards integrating artificial intelligence into the analysis of archaeological documentation.

SIAMOIS relies on a broad consortium of players in French archaeology, representative of the diversity of its professions: five regional archaeology departments (Archéologie Alsace, Direction de l'Archéologie du Pas-de-Calais, Département d'Histoire de l'Architecture et d'Archéologie de la Ville de Paris, Musée d'Histoire de Marseille, Direction de l'Archéologie de Chartres Métropole), the Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (Inrap), the Centre national de la Recherche scientifique (CNRS), which has seven research units, and the École normale supérieure de Paris.

SIAMOIS aims to develop a genuine archaeological information ecosystem covering the entire life cycle of data and remains, designed to share data and knowledge. The IT ecosystem, equipped with customisable "business" interfaces, will enable data to be recorded in the field, preserved and used, and made available to the scientific community and the general public. IT developments will use only free and open software solutions, which will be managed collaboratively by the consortium.

SIAMOIS is the result of the experimentation and exchanges between experts that gave rise to the Bibracte numérique research programme, which, from 2018 to 2021, will strengthen the skills of the Bibracte EPCC team while developing various data capture and sharing systems : new website, visit assistance tool la boussole,  publication of excavation archivescatalogue of the library of the European Archaeological Centre, etc.

SIAMOIS is receiving additional funding of €150,000 from the Burgundy-Franche-Comté region to support the development of digital uses, as well as a contribution of more than €500,000 in working time from the consortium.

Bibracte wins France 2030 investment programme with SIAMOIS

At the end of 2021, the government launched the France 2030 investment programme. "With a budget of €54 billion, this plan is designed to make up for France's industrial lag, invest massively in innovative technologies and support the ecological transition." France 2030 includes a section dedicated to cultural players.

It is within this framework that Bibracte has responded to the call for projects for the digitisation of heritage and architecture sponsored by the Caisse des Dépôts.

On 1 June, at a public meeting held at the Opéra Bastille to review the cultural aspects of France 2030, Rima Abdul Malak, the French Minister for Culture, revealed the list of 8 projects selected for the 3rd and final wave of this call for projects.

Bibracte features prominently with the SIAMOIS project. Bibracte will receive €745,000 to share with its eight partners for a three-year action programme.